Monday, January 14, 2008

Fletcher is Dirty.

How long is too long to let your son sit in the shower and play with his toys? To be more specific, is an hour and 37 minutes too long?


redstarmama said...

As long as he will stay in there. It's hard enough getting boys to bathe. Who cares if he shrivels up like a cute little prune, as long as he's having fun!

S.Miles said...

How long does it take to wash his mushroom cut? Or the incredibly long finger nails I have seen him sport on his ever dainty hands every now and then? I love my stinky-inky.

edmundsfam said...

He was very wrinkley- or as Fletcher would say "wrinkedy".

S.Miles said...

Or as David would say "winklee"

Steve and Janelle said...

Is Fletcher still in the bath since this post? Wow, that would be a really long time. Now that I posted a new one I can talk trash.