Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Simple joy

Today is a good day. Other than the fact that I may have either a brain tumor or cauliflower ear, I don't have a whole lot to complain about. The weather is nice, Fletcher is happy, I have won 6 games in a row in solitaire, and I had the perfect hot dog for lunch today. What could be better?


S.Miles said...

Laugh out loud FUNNY! I cant wait for our little road trip this weekend....It's going to be soooo fun. Cauliflower ear isnt contagious is it? If so- you're sitting in the backseat!

Steve and Janelle said...

We could strap her to the top. Maybe that would be too cold. Who has ever heard of cauliflower ear? Does is stem from licking someone elses blood?

S.Miles said...

She's small enough I think we could just stick her in a suite case and throw her in the back. Who cares how cold it is! It's cauliflower ear for heavens sake! I dont want to catch any of the WT diseases she may be carrying from her visits to Ross, and The Walmart...

redstarmama said...

I thought only old punchy boxers got cauliflower ear...

Justin said...
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Justin said...

I thought you ran marathons not cage fight. I think you should have made a special trip to the poor people stores to look for blood droplets. I think that beats a good hot dog anyday. I have to go home and eat a helping or potted meat product now. You know how it is running your own business and whatnot.