Saturday, April 5, 2008

Snack Time

What is wrong with my child?!!! He may be the grossest human being alive. Last night as I was lying with Fletcher in bed he informed me that he likes to eat his boogers. He says that they are a good snack and that they are not spicy or sour. I told him that he is disgusting and that little boys should NEVER EVER eat their boogers. To this he responded with a high pitched squeal and told me that boogers are good for little boys to eat for a snack. And then he rolled over and wanted nothing more to do with the conversation. I don't know what to do. I have never had a booger eater before. Or a pee toucher for that matter. Is this just a boy or does he need an intervention?


redstarmama said...

Total boy thing. Declan doesn't seem grossed out by either of these things. Poop and puke are another story. Those things make him gag instantly.

redstarmama said...
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Beardall Family said...

I can totally picture both and your face witnessing it. Eeww.

Jennifer Knight said...

It's a boy thing. The first time I dug a big booger out of Sam's nose, he grabbed it from my hand and stuck it back up there. Now he just tries to get it in his mouth before I throw it away.

Steve and Janelle said...

I am seriously trying not to gag right now. Maybe Peyton is secretly a boy. She loves to eat her boogers too.

Robbie said...

Did you go AWOL?

edmundsfam said...

Some of us aren't frolicking around so. cal. I've been a little busy. Get off my damn back! New post tomorrow.